Welcome to Fountain of Ceaseless Praise
Gospel Music | Soul Lifting Worship | Inspirational Music | Life Changing Songs
Our Purpose on Earth is to Show Forth His Praise!
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24).
Religion attracts all kinds of rules, regulations, and observances. It seems that humankind cannot get away from performing outward acts in an attempt to please God. Humankind believes that these acts are pleasing to God and, therefore, will merit His mercy. They forget who God is. He is a real Spirit who wishes to commune with His creatures created in His image. He desires a genuine and honest relationship with us. That relationship can come only from the heart of a person's Spirit. It can only exist if it is truthful in all aspects of God. We are now able to worship our God in Spirit and truth because the Truth, Jesus, has been revealed. Our worship always radiates from Him.
Humankind looks for religions that have a rule for everything but no way to develop a real relationship with God. Being a Christian is more difficult in that sense. We need to spend time with God in worship and prayer, which brings us to new worship that is vital and alive. We worship our God in Spirit because we know Him as Truth. We know Jesus.
Heavenly Father, open our hearts and minds to worship You in all Your fullness Spirit and Truth. May our worship come from sincere hearts that have been transformed by Your Grace and Spirit. Receive our worship to Your Praise and Glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.